KX Tren Acetate 75mg

(6 customer reviews)


KX Tren Acetate 75mg comes in a 10 mL multi dose vial.

Lab tests posted below.

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SKU: KX-TRENA75 Category:


KX Tren Acetate 75mg comes in a 10 mL multi dose vial. Each mL contains 75mg of Trenbolone Acetate.

What we like about it?

Tren, also knows as fina or finaplix has been a staple in cycles for many years. Originally made from cattle pellets, finaplix earned a powerful reputation for stacking on mass and strength. If you are looking to compare gains, side effects, and cost, then you will not find a better drug than Tren.

Proper dose: 75-225mg per week for beginners; 225-500mg for advanced users.

ATTENTION: This product has been tested by an independent lab.See below for the historical testing results.


April 2021

July 2019

Additional information



6 reviews for KX Tren Acetate 75mg

  1. gorillajoe

    This stuff is amazing. I stacked with test c, winstrol and masteron. I look like a action figure now. The pumps id get at the gym were insane. I looked like a different person after 3 sets. If you wanna look amazing. I highly recommend

    • G

      Thanks for the feedback here bro. I think of all the products I have used the tren ace is the most undeniable when you begin using it, you just know it’s ‘working’!

  2. mills5870 (verified owner)

    💯 legit. Ran it for 9 weeks. Does everything then some

  3. thaydengeo

    I’ve used this product for a 12 week cycle in conjunction with test enanthate. I began to feel the effects in the first week but things really kicked into high gear at week 4. At that time people starting really noticing my fullness. I began to notice a huge increase in all lifts. Highly recommended and will use again!

  4. JuiceStallion

    An all-time favorite of mine for its fast acting mass building qualities. My max is 8 to 10 weeks. Any longer and one can become too aggressive away from the gym. You won’t believe the results until you experience them! This is seriously the time to go kick some mass!

  5. PK1082

    Awesome product, I ran a 6 week cycle of Tren 75 with Test E 400 and the results were amazing, packed on 15 pounds of lean muscle and it stayed after cycling off. I injected the Tren 1ml ever other day and Test E 400 every 5 day.

  6. JBox

    Tren is by far the most potent AAS you can add to your stack and the Kaballero line is fantastic. The first time I used this compound from G, I added a solid 30lbs in 12 weeks while getting shredded. Run it with test, any ester, for best results. You will pack on lean muscle and throw heavy weights around like you never have before, guaranteed!

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