Anavar 50mg 50ct

(33 customer reviews)


Anavar 50mg comes in 50 tablets in a heat and light resistant foil bag. Each tablet contains 50mg of Oxandrolone.

Lab tests posted below.

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SKU: K-ANAVR50 Category:


Anavar 50mg comes in 50 tablets in a heat and light resistant foil bag. Each tablet contains 50mg of Oxandrolone.

Proper dose: 1 tablet per day for beginners; up to 2 tablets per day for advanced users.

ATTENTION: This product has been tested by an independent lab and came in at 54.92mg of Oxandrolone. The results are posted below for all to see.

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33 reviews for Anavar 50mg 50ct

  1. Armando0331 (verified owner)

    First week on using and starting to notice the difference will definitely be using from here on.

    • G

      thanks for letting us know, be sure to check back in and let us know how its going in a few weeks, thanks!

  2. maynard60 (verified owner)

    This is about the third time I’ve run the anavar. Never a problem! I really love the stuff. One of my favorite products!!!!

  3. Tavmania (verified owner)

    I’m 42 and completely a novice in this field however, I tried the Anovar and IT’S AWESOME!!! My strength is up, solid muscle, and cycling speed is consistent at 23MPH!!

    DAX, YOU ARE THE MAN!!!!!!!

    • Dax (verified owner)

      Glad you are liking the Var bro.. we appreciate the support! Keep killing it!

  4. Gdabear

    Started 25 mg Anavar for 6 weeks followed by 50 mg for 6 weeks. Could not be more happy with the product. Linear strength and you feel the kick 30 min after taking. HIGHY RECOMMEND ANY GD supplementation.

    • G

      Thanks for the feedback here bro, much appreciated! Those little 50mg var pills sure go a long way! When I am using them, I do the same thing and take half a tab and notice great effects from it! thanks bro

  5. B50Fitness (verified owner)

    Holy hell. I have done Anavar off and on for over 20 years. This is by far the cleanest, potent one I have ever come across. I started last week, I weigh myself every am. I’ve been leaning out, abs are coming back so when I jumped on the scale I thought for sure I would be < 230. I try to stay 225-230. I'm 237. I may do 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off this stuff. Its strong

  6. sneaks35 (verified owner)

    I give it five stars I’ve been using this brand for years and it always does the trick for me it has 8-12 hour life span which it’s best to split it in two for less side effect but given that you need to take 100mg or more to actually see side affects due to its mildness to the body but I’ve also have been known to split it in two but taking more than 50mg a day I think it’s a waste one is more than enough per day. Every time I’m on but not taking var I always feel something is missing but the second I start taking it I start seeing and feeling a difference about ten days in I get drier and way more vascular and the tightness is awesome and sucks at the same time the cramps I get sick but worth it. And the weight loss in my midsection is what I like best of this product it can either eat the fat up or help build that extra 10-15 lbs in your cycle needed. I like to run it once I’m 6weeks on while I diet I think it works best then kinda like winny a polishing tool.

  7. jrharvey13 (verified owner)

    Legit product. I use it pre-workout and breeze through training blocks. Customer service is excellent, bar none. Quick email responses and always willing to make things right for the customer.

  8. PK1082 (verified owner)

    Great stuff, awesome for the final weeks before a show!!! Strong stuff and protects those gains you worked so hard to get in the final cutting cycle. Highly recommended, I usually get a pack with every order!!

  9. MrGreen (verified owner)

    I started my stack with Anavar/Test Blend (both KX) recently and I noticed some high blood pressure (higher than the usual high lol). Other than that though, I think the Anavar from KX is great. Sorry to hear it affected you like that Rocka. I give it a 4/5.

    • Dax Smith (verified owner)

      Hopefully the slight increase in the BP was not enough to cease using! This is great stuff, as you mentioned here. Everything is not going to work the same for everyone. A big misconception about gear is that you can just take it and it does it for you! Certainly not the case.. if anything, you have to be more on point with everything.. training, diet, etc.. and it will pay dividends!

  10. Rocka (verified owner)

    Sorry guys, didn’t like KX Anavar. I loved your testosterone cypionate, I like your test propionate. Too bad my body got super hypersensitive to it and I won’t be able to keep going with it because of the pain, sourness and lumps I’m getting from it. Before I came to you guys, I used anavar pharmaceutical grade at 60mg per day split in 3 douses and by the 8 day mark I was melting my midsection fat really fast. By the 10 weeks mark at the same douses my waistline was really small and I was ripped over 200 pounds ( of course others compounds and diet were involved) . Never had water retention and high blood pressure while on it and a bunch of other stuff. KX Anavar got me holding water and my blood pressure was crazy high by the 3 day using it at 50mg per day, 25mg twice per day ( morning and afternoon).
    I had to stop, I was getting really sick. I was expecting good things from KX Anavar so I can give you a really good review and order more right away , but that wasn’t the case. Sorry guys, KX Anavar didn’t work for me. Will be ordering KX tri blend and test e to finished my cycle soon. Never used a blend before, Always individually. That’s gonna be exciting. Expecting good things from it.

    • Dax Smith (verified owner)

      Hey bro, that is unfortunate to hear! This has been a really solid product for us.. were you dosing this similar in the sense of splitting it throughout the day? Although not what we like to hear, we do appreciate the feedback. Shoot us a message through your last order page, as there are a few other questions I would like to ask on this to make sure we get you taken care of here. It does neither of us any good if you are unable to use the product. On the flip side, looking forward to you trying out the KX Tri Blend, as that is one of our most popular oils and we have stellar reviews there as well!

  11. Keebler8288 (verified owner)

    Best anavar hands down ive ever used!! I have used all kind of pham brand anavar and underground and this stuff running at 50 mg per day is equivlant if not better than running it at 100mg per day of the britsh dragon kind

  12. n544u

    Hard to come by legit anavar but here it is! This stuff is the sh$t! Amazing strength gains starting around week 2 and I got leaner than I’ve ever been thanks to this and a dialed in diet, can’t go wrong here.

  13. KentaroBear

    I bought this product multiple times and as the best result I recommend you stack this product with another test product.

  14. Mall18

    I ran the Anavar stacked on top of the Tri-Blend 375 and Test 300 to cut and my results were more then what I expected. I went from weighing around 178 lbs to 162 lbs in just over a month with almost no cardio. I can’t wait to run it again.

  15. SlimFatty (verified owner)

    This is an excellent product! I received an extra 7 pills, which was awesome. I ran this Anavar along with my TRT dose of test, and my results were great. I’ve taken Anavar from 2 other sources prior. After my experience with this product I’m convinced the last two were either extremely under dosed, or not Var. I will definitely purchase again next summer!

  16. Gguard

    I have used this product for over two years during my cycles and quality has been consistently high yilding consistent results. The only issues I have experienced is when I forget to keep up on my fluid intake, however no serious sides experiences on this product.

  17. masgrissom

    This stuff gave me some stomach issues for about two weeks, and it didn’t really help my performance. I did gain about 25- 30lbs and I looked like a monster. As a body builder I would love this product, but as a wrestler the pump in my arms and calves was excruciating. I’m in my off season now and will probably cycle back on again, because I love how big and muscular looking I became. But I’m going to only take half a tab at a time, because this stuff is no joke and very potent.

  18. IamDante52 (verified owner)

    made great gain little if no side effects this stuff is the definition of pure.n my circle of friends questioned the legitimacy until the the gain began increasing all of which they all have accounts now. nothing is worst than starting a cycle with a fear of not having enough to finish. I got lean and hard this stuff is official

  19. Gainz101

    I ran this anavar with a cycle of test. I easily gained 20lbs and all my strength numbers shot up. Within three days I was noticeably more lean. Great product for beginners. No problem with sides.

  20. Kev3377

    I have used this product multiple times with great results. I believe it’s some of the best anavar out there. I’ve recommended this for several years.


    I have used Kaballero Anavar a few times and I have always seen great results. Very high quality and clean gear. Alway recommend.

  22. tb49ers (verified owner)

    I was buying pharmaceuticals grade anavar from an HIV patient. He was charging me 250$ for a months worth. Thirty tablets. His price was high but there was no good anavar out there. Until I found geardepot. I knew within 5 days of taking it it was legit! I was cramping everywhere including my feet and toes. The better the anavar the more I cramp. Geardepot anavar is not only better then the pharmaceutical I was getting but, cheaper. It’s the BEST out there by far.

  23. deejal01

    Exceptional delivery and excellent product!

  24. joncweber

    The first time I used this product with calorie restricted diet, I shaved off significantly abdominal fat which is indicative of Anavar. I have used as much as 100mg daily for short periods and the vascularity and loss of subqutaneous fluid is exceptional. Great product for those purposes and much more. Real deal!

  25. Wolverine (verified owner)

    This is a good product to add a little kick to a cruising cycle.Have recommended this to a few female lifters I know as well.They love it too!
    Thanks guys!

  26. Scottmax108 (verified owner)

    Been using anavar from GEAR DEPOT for the past 4 years ( been a customer for 6 years). Love this product. Keeps me lean and dense. This site is amazing and fast delivery. Never gotten gear this potent from anywhere else. Life long customer.

  27. joeburgess69

    I’ve ran this product many times. I love it, it works great . I used 50mg once a day.. the pumps were amazing and I got super lean

  28. albertoferia111 (verified owner)

    This has been my second time I order this product because it works and it is the real deal. I split the 50 mgs into 25 taken twice a day. I am glad I found these guys and I am sticking with them. This is the place to shop for your fav gear folks!

  29. jroid1

    Awesome product, I run this once a year before summer. I stay on trt all year and add this to it around April at 50 mg per day. This last go around I pushed it up to 75mg per day “ 1.5 tabs” and the pumps were retarded!! They hurt after a 20 min workout.!! Insane pumps and stayed super lean in the abs, very vascular as well. Love the car, by far best car I have taken

  30. littlefrank

    This anavar is some of the best I’ve used. Now notice I did not say the best. The only of anavar I’ve used that was better was Watson Anavar that was true human grade. This was nothing short behind it though. This was damn near top to the top you’ll get. I broke mine up into half’s and took it twice a day. I still have them sitting up on top my fridge. If I can I’ll post pics. It’s down right amazing. Pumps are fantastic and strength goes up. Perk it doesn’t have much sides because it’s anavar. It’s nice and strong but anavar has a falling off around 6 weeks. Your body can come accustomed to avar after 6 weeks so make sure to cycle off. Great stuff.

  31. Ramosgains (verified owner)

    This Anavar is potent 50mg a week was enough. Less is te approach. That’s why hear depot been around so long. The muscle separation was crazy when I stepped on stage

  32. Jimmyfan499

    This is the real deal. If you wanna get cut and look good this is what to buy.

  33. JohnnySwole99

    This Anavar is fantastic. I added it to my TRT dose of Test Prop at 50mg per day. I split the tablet into 2 and took 25mg first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and took the other 25mg 30 minutes before my workout, about 6-8 hours later. Anavar has about an 8 hour half life, so in an attempt to widen the dosing window and to limit side effects I spread it out. Even at 50mg along with the Test Prop from my TRT I made some great gains. Had excellent pumps and muscle separation. Along with a dialed in macro diet at maintenance calories I had fantastic re-comp effects and my body looked very tight. Will run this subtle Anavar cycle twice per year incorporated into my year round TRT Test Prop regiment.

    • G

      Hey bro, so glad your using the var and liking it! .. I’m very proud of the var we carry here. Years ago when we started carrying orals I searched far and wide for a good place to source the var, and as we tested many samples I noticed many of them were severely under-dosed, and almost half of them were not even var, they were stanz. We post up resent test/lab analysis of each of our products often, you can see them on the product page as well. Seems like you know your stuff, and yes the var with some low dose test is one of the best post cycle stacks you can run to really take advantage of the super compensation effects. As you said, most guys can get away with splitting that tab in half and using 25mg/day when ‘off cycle’ or on a maintenance cycle. Thanks for your business and we appreciate ya leaving us some feedback bro, thanks!!


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