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Dark tren vs light tren – What does it mean?

The tren products we carry will oftentimes differ in color. There is a notion that the darker the tren, the more potent the gear. That is not true at all. The color of the tren products (and many of the other products) has to do with the oxidation of the raw tren hormone & the way its made. some of the other things that will make the color of product differ from batch to batch are:

  • The type of carrier oil used
  • The amount of time heat is applied during the brewing process
  • Type of solvents used during the brewing process
  • The type of raw materiel (some of these raws are manufactured using different methods and this can change the color drastically)

I was skeptical of this in the beginning too as I noticed some batches of tren were darker in color and others here lighter in color. We have done extensive testing on the tren we get from our suppliers. when I first noticed this difference in the colors of the tren I sent 2 samples off for testing of a 75mg tren product. One was very dark in color, almost dark order brown, the other was a much lighter shade. When we got the analysis back the dark tren tested at 71mg/mL, while the lighter was 82mg/mL. we’ve done many tests exactly like this in the past and seen the same results but the other way around. This led me to research this topic some more to get a better understanding so I could better explain this to our customers. The factors listed above are key in determining the color of the finished product. Please take this into consideration if you see a slightly different color in your oils. We have extensive testing done on our products, you can always find the recent tests here on our site to ensure you’re getting exactly what you pay for.

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Are you getting the most out of your Testosterone injections?

Are you getting the most out of your Testosterone injections?

As of late, I have received many e-mails on this from customers trying to understand the best way to administer their Testosterone doses. I will review some basic principles of using both Testosterone Cypionate and Enanthate. This would be pretty much the same for Sustanon injections as well.

I am the first to admit that I don’t care for doing more frequent injections; actually, I hate it! I have been guilty of slacking on this from time to time and trying to do my injects 1x a week to save myself from feeling like a pin cushion. I know I need to be reminded of this often so I wanted to take a moment to explain how these esters work in the blood stream and why you may be experiencing less of the ‘desired effect’ and more of the ‘side effect’ when using these drugs. Testosterone Enanthate and Cypionate and to a certain degree Sustanon have a half life of 10-days or so, but you have to understand what that means exactly.

If you take a look at the image you can see the peak blood concentrations after injection. You can see that after one day you have a significantly elevated Testosterone level in the body, now this is exactly what we want! As you look at the next 2-3 days, the blood level is elevated as well, but after day 4-5 it begins to drop off quickly. I know many guys do injections 1x a week out of convenience, but this is stifling their gains and causing more side effects to occur. You get side effects when your Test levels are going low and high, back and forth every week, not to mention your missing out on half of the time you could have elevated Testosterone levels! Your body is in a constant stage  trying to figure out if it should try and restart its natural test in between getting the synthetic test you are injecting; furthermore, you have your estrogen levels that are being elevated from the injections, then your test levels are dropping off after 4 days but the estrogen is still elevated. This is not an ideal atmosphere for growth.

So, what is the ideal way to dose your Testosterone?

By looking at the image you can see that after day 4 it begins to drop off a lot. In order to maintain high blood concentrations you want to inject every 3-4 days. I have seen so many guys start doing this and come back to me with a huge smile and another 10lbs of muscle on their frame. Yes, it does mean splitting up your injections more often; however, it will help tremendously in keeping your blood levels elevated and your gains consistent.

Ideally, Testosterone Enanthate and Cypionate should be dosed like this. If you are using Test Propionate, you will want to inject every 2-3 days.

Other drugs like Deca and EQ have longer half lives and don’t need as frequent of injections. You can find research on these on the net, or email me and I will be happy to review some of this with you.

I hope this information is helpful. I am not an expert in this area, but I have a significant amount of personal experience and a ton of people we have worked with over the years.